It all began with two families.
Back in the early 1800’s, the Randall and Standish families migrated to the South Bristol area from New England. They settled in the region and grew hops and small fruit. As times changed, they concentrated more on grapes, apples, berries, and dairy cattle. In the early 1900’s Elmer Standish married Anna Randall. They had two daughters, Dorothy and Doris. Doris married John Brahm Jr. They had four boys, John III, Roger, Tom, and Paul. In 1971 John and Tom purchased the Randall farm. They are the great-great grandchildren of Gaius Randall, the original owner of the farm. Tom and John the began growing grapes for large regional wineries. In 1975 the larger wineries decreased their purchases from area growers. John then came up with the idea of processing grapes into juice for the home winemaker. With the long history of farming in the family they found it only appropriate to name the farm Randall-Standish Vineyards.

It’s truly a family affair.
Our juices are the same quality juices used by the Arbor Hill Winery, know through out the nation for it’s production of fine New York State Finger Lakes Wines.
Arbor Hill is also a family owned by John Brahm III and his wife Katie. Arbor Hill is located just 3 1/2 miles south of Randall-Standish Vineyards. John Brahm III is the wine master at Arbor Hill Winery. He uses Randall-Standish’s quality grapes and juice to make his commerical award-winning wines and his gourmet food products which are avaliable for sale at the Wine and Gift Shop.
The theme of the Grapery is “Where you’ll find everything Grape and More.” Come and enjoy the finished products or visit us at